Journal article submission guidelines
The Journal of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, published annually, is dedicated to the promotion of studies in Scottish book history and bibliography. It welcomes submissions of articles for refereed publication consideration throughout the year. Essays submitted can cover any period of book history or bibliographic interest, with the proviso that they include a Scottish focus. They should be no more than 8,000 words and should not have been published previously. Examples of articles from past journal issues are available for downloading in pdf format here:
- Printing for the British Publishing Industry
- The Story of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society
- George P. Johnston
Submissions should conform to the MHRA style guide and be submitted electronically to Andrew McAinsh via email.
Alternatively, hard copy accompanied by a CD with electronic version of the file can be sent c/o Andrew McAinsh, Andersonian Library, University of Strathclyde, 101 St James Road, Glasgow, G4 0NS.
Reviews and Advertising
Please contact the Journal Advertising Manager if you would like to place an advertisement:
Derek Walker – Email
Books for review should be submitted to the Reviews Editor:
Dr Anette Hagan – Email
Rare Book and Music Collections
National Library of Scotland
George IV Bridge
Scotland, UK
Open Access
The Edinburgh Bibliographical Society aims to support authors to publish articles in its Journal in compliance with the UKRI open access policy. Authors may deposit the final published version of the article into an Open Access institutional or subject repository (or a not-for-profit personal website) at the time of final publication. The Journal of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society must be attributed as the original place of publication, with correct citations given. A link to the Journal home page must also be included.
Journal of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society
Edinburgh Bibliographical Society Transactions
Edinburgh Bibliographical Society Transactions
Occasional Publications
Occasional Publications