Previous Programme 2016 – 2017
Most meetings are held at the National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EW, or the Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace, EH1 2LJ, where tea is available from 5:15 before events. Visitors are welcome to attend meetings, and may also attend dinners and visits if places are available.
22 SEPTEMBER 2016. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Dr. Peter Auger
‘The French Dimension to James VI’s Poetical Exercises’.
20 OCTOBER 2016. 5.45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Dr. Karen McAulay
‘The Legal Deposit Music at St. Andrews: Scottish airs, Irish and Hebrew Melodies and other late Georgian favourites’.
10 NOVEMBER 2016. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Mrs. Christine Love-Rodgers
‘“The library in which they took so much delight” – rediscovering the treasures of New College Library, Edinburgh’.
1 DECEMBER 2016. 5:45 P.M. Project Room, 50 George Square, University of Edinburgh
Dr. Anne Marie Hagen
‘Healthy Minds and Books: Children’s book design in the early twentieth century’.
19 JANUARY 2017. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Hugh Bryden
‘Words and Images – collaborative poetry pamphlets and artist books’.
9 FEBRUARY 2017. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Jill Dye
‘Books and Their Borrowers at Innerpeffray Library, 1747-1857’.
2 MARCH 2017. 6:00 P.M. NLS Boardroom
Laurence Worms
‘The Scottish Map Trade to 1850’
Joint EBS and NLS event. For EBS places email:
30 MARCH 2017. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Annual Business Meeting
followed by
Professor Graham Parry
‘William Dugdale: an Antiquary and his books’
Annual Dinner, dedicated to the antiquarians of Scotland and their collections.
Contact the Secretary by 2nd March if you wish to attend.
4 MAY 2017. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Maxine Branagh-Miscampbell
‘The Young Scottish Reader in the Long Eighteenth Century’
1 JUNE 2017. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Dr. Craig Lamont
‘Cultivating the Classics “in a cold climate”: the Foulis Press and Academy in Glasgow’
ANNUAL VISIT: details of the Annual Visit will be announced later in the year. Contact the Secretary by 4th May if you wish to attend.