GP Johnston Prize in Scottish Book History and Bibliography

The Edinburgh Bibliographical Society sponsors the G. P. Johnston Prize in Book History and Bibliography. Named after the Edinburgh bookseller and bibliophile George P. Johnston, founder of the EBS and its secretary from 1890-1932, the essay prize is open to current graduate/postgraduate students and early-career researchers who received their final degree not more then eight years before entering.

GP JohnstonEssays submitted for the annual competition can cover any period of book history or topic of bibliographic interest. Entries should be no more than 8,000 words (including notes) and should not have been published previously. The winner will receive £200 and submissions will be considered for publication in the Journal of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. All other things being equal, preference will be given to essays on subjects with a connection to Scotland, or based on material held in Scotland, and/or written by students or scholars working in Scotland.

Submissions should conform to the MHRA style guide and be submitted electronically to Andrew McAinsh via email by 31 March of each year.

Previous Prize Winners:
2008 – Ruth M. McAdams
2011 – Vivienne Dunstan
2020 – Mila Daskalova

Our EBS GP Johnston prize flyer is available for printing and distributing.

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