Meetings are held at the National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EW, or the Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace, EH1 2LJ, where tea is available from 5:15 before events. Visitors are welcome to attend meetings, and may also attend dinners and visits if places are available.
19 SEPTEMBER 2013. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Professor Sandro Jung
‘Robert Morison’s Series of British Authors, 1780-1800’.
24 OCTOBER 2013. 6 P.M. National Library of Scotland
Annual John Murray Archive Lecture
Artemis Cooper
‘Patrick Leigh Fermor’s The Broken Road: A Trilogy Completed’.
Joint EBS and NLS meeting. For EBS places email
14 NOVEMBER 2013. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Now at Edinburgh University Library, 5th floor seminar room
Dr Murray Simpson
‘David Laing’s Library’.
16 JANUARY 2014. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Cairns Mason
‘Innerpeffray Library Borrowers’ Registers and the Spread of the Scottish Enlightenment, 1747-1800’.
20 FEBRUARY 2014. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Dr Lisa Otty
‘Small Press Surrealists: Livres D’Artistes, Limited Editions and the Emergence of British Surrealism’.
20 MARCH 2014. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Annual Business Meeting
followed by
Rob McKillop
‘Publications and Manuscripts for the Guitar in Edinburgh, 1750-1850’.
Annual dinner, dedicated to Scottish music and music publishing. Contact the Secretary by 20 February if you wish to attend.
3 APRIL 2014. 6 P.M. National Library of Scotland
Dr Steven Reid
‘Scotland’s Forgotten Language: Latin Print Culture in Renaissance and Reformation Scotland’.
Joint EBS and NLS meeting. For EBS places email:
31 MAY 2014. (Saturday, time to be confirmed)
Annual Visit. The House of the Binns, built in 1612 for the Dalyell family. Contact the Secretary by 3 April if you wish to attend.