Six of our meetings this session will be held at the Quaker Meeting House (QMH), 7 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2JL. Tea (£1) is available there from 5:15 p.m. To access a map of its location, click here.
Two meetings will take place in the National Library of Scotland (NLS), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EW. To access a map of its location, click here.
Advanced booking is required for EBS places at the NLS on 27 October and 15 December 2011, for the annual dinner in March and for the annual visit in May.
22 September 2011 (Thursday, 5:45 pm) QMH
Prof. David Finkelstein: ‘Rats: A Curious Case of Libel and Slander in the Glasgow Printing World’
27 October 2011 (Thursday, 6 pm) NLS BOARDROOM
Annual John Murray Archive Lecture, jointly with NLS
Prof. Kathryn Sutherland: ‘ “He sends more Praise . . . than I expected”: Jane Austen’s Dealings with John Murray and his Firm’. For EBS places email
17 November 2011 (Thursday, 5:45 pm) QMH
Dr Heather Holmes: ‘Sir John Sinclair, the County Agricultural Surveys and the Collection and Dissemination of Knowledge (1793-1817)’
15 December 2011 (Thursday 5:45 pm) NLS BOARDROOM
Dr James Loxley: ‘Scotland’s Shakespeare: Episodes and Examples’.
In conjunction with the NLS exhibition. For EBS places email
26 January 2012 (Thursday 5:45 pm) QMH
Dr Brian Hillyard: ‘Rosebery as Book Collector’.
16 February 2012 (Thursday 5:45 pm) QMH
Harry McIntosh: ‘Sixty Years of Type, Letterpress and Books’.
Contact the Secretary if you wish to attend the annual dinner next month:
15 March 2012 (Thursday 5:45 pm) QMH
Annual Business Meeting
Dr Susan Rennie: ‘Bubbly-jocks and Chuckie-stanes: Boswell’s Dictionary of the Scots Language’ Annual dinner, dedicated to James Boswell.
19 April 2012 (Thursday 5:45 pm) QMH
Prof. David Dumville: ‘Scottish or Irish? A Ninth-Century Italo-Gaelic Manuscript’.
Contact the Secretary by this date if you wish to attend the annual visit next month:
5 May 2012 (Saturday, 2 pm)
Annual Visit. National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh EH1 1JF
‘Objects relating to the Print and Book Trade’.