Five of our meetings this session will be held at the Quaker Meeting House (QMH), 7 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2JL. Tea (£1) is available there from 5:15 p.m. To access a map of its location, click here.
Two meetings will take place in the National Library of Scotland (NLS), George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EW. To access a map of its location, click here.
Advanced booking is required at the NLS talks please book via or phone 0131 623 3918.
30 September 2010, (Thursday, 5:45 pm). QMH
Dr Sydney Shep ‘Retiring and Diffident, Unknown to Fame’: The Peregrinations of George Rolwegan, Bookbinder
Tuesday 26 October 2010 (Tuesday, 6 pm). NLS Boardroom
Annual John Murray Archive Lecture, jointly with NLS
Sir Eric Anderson ‘Abbotsford, Strawberry Hill or Conundrum Castle?’ Advanced booking required
11 November 2010 (Thursday, 5.45 pm) NLS Boardroom
Olive Geddes ‘Swing Through Time: Textual Sources for Golf in Scotland’ Advanced booking required. Coincides with the NLS ‘Swing Through Time’ exhibition.
2 December 2010 (Thursday, 5.45 pm) QMH
Prof. David Finkelstein ‘Rats: A Curious Case of Libel and Slander in the Glasgow Printing World’ (not held due to extreme weather conditions. rescheduled for 2011-12 programme series)
17 February 2011 (Thursday, 5:45 pm) QMH
Julie McDougall, Amy Prior, Prof. Charles Withers ‘Bartholomew¹s Maps of Empire’
10 March 2011 (Thursday 5:45 pm) QMH
Annual Business Meeting
Prof. James Raven
‘Why so many Scots? An Invasion of the London Book Trade in the Eighteenth Century’
Annual dinner, dedicated to William Drummond of Hawthornden. Contact the Secretary by 17 February.
7 April 2011(Thursday, 5:45 pm). QMH
Julie Gardham and Jack Baldwin ‘The Glasgow Incunable Project: cataloguing the 15th-century printed books in the University of Glasgow Library’
7 May 2011 (Saturday, 2 p.m.)
Annual Visit. Special Collections Department, Glasgow University Library, Hillhead Street, Glasgow G12 8QE. Contact the Secretary by 7 April.