- Introduction – p9
- ‘A Scotch poetical library’: James Thomson’s The Seasons, the Morisons’ ‘Select Scotish Poets’ Series and the Construction of a Scottish Poetic Canon’ By Sandro Jung – p11
- Local Lawyers and their Libraries in Eighteenth-century Scotland By John Finlay – p43
- The Edinburgh Press and the Difference of Opinion in 1745 By Stephen W. Brown – p61
- The Poems of Janet Stewart, Poet and Novelist (1781–1835) By Richard D. Jackson – p87
- The Aberdeen Breviary: an Update By Helen Vincent – p97
- FELIX WALDMANN, ed. Further Letters of David Hume (Moritz Baumstark)- p 101
- David Hume. My Own Life, 1776. Edited from the original manuscript, the property of The Royal Society of Edinburgh on deposit in The National Library of Scotland, and with an Introduction, Notes and Commentary by Iain Gordon Brown (William Zachs) – p106
- EMILY WINGFIELD The Trojan Legend in Medieval Scottish Literature (Dr Jamie Reid-Baxter) – p108
- JOHN DURKAN, ed., and revised by JAMIE REID-BAXTER Scottish Schools and Schoolmasters 1560–1633 (Alasdair A. MacDonald) – p111
- HUGH M. MILNE, ed. The Legal Papers of James Boswell. Volume 1. In relation to cases in which Boswell fi rst became involved in the period from 29 July 1766 to 11 November 1767 (William Zachs) – p114