Previous Programme 2018 – 2019

Programme 2018 – 2019

Most meetings are held at the National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EW, or the Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace, EH1 2LJ, where tea is available from 5:15 before events. Visitors are welcome to attend meetings, and may also attend dinners and visits if places are available.

27 SEPTEMBER 2018. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Dr. Margaret Connolly & Rachel Hart
‘The Marchmont Regiam Maiestatem comes full circle: a book and its owners, 1548 to 2018’.

11 OCTOBER 2018. 5.45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Colin Beattie MSP
‘What was it all about? A book addict’s view of the 17th century with particular reference to political pamphlets’.

8 NOVEMBER 2018. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Peter Freshwater
‘World War I charity gift books: a British publishing episode and its Scottish origins’.

13 DECEMBER 2018. 5:30 P.M. National Library of Scotland (Boardroom)
Professor Stephen Brown
‘Accidental authority: why the Encyclopaedia Britannica never should have succeeded’.
Joint EBS and NLS event. For EBS places contact the Secretary: / 0131 623 0608

17 JANUARY 2019. 5:45 P.M. Project Room, 50 George Square, University of Edinburgh
Kirsty McHugh
‘The house of John Murray: a publishing dynasty in the 1830s’.
Joint EBS and Centre for the History of the Book event

21 FEBRUARY 2019. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Mila Daskalova
‘Spreading the word: the role of the media in the popularisation of phrenology in Britain’.

28 MARCH 2019. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Annual Business Meeting followed by
William Zachs
‘Through the magic door: stories from the library of Arthur Conan Doyle’
Followed by the Annual Dinner, dedicated to the bibliographers of Scotland.
Contact the Secretary by 1st March if you wish to attend the dinner.
This event is part of Rare Books Edinburgh 2019

11 APRIL 2019. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Professor Chris Kyriacou
‘Twentieth-century travel guides to Edinburgh: an endless source of enjoyment’

16 MAY 2019. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Neil Pearson
‘Jack Kahane: literature, censorship, and a very British pornographer’

ANNUAL VISIT: details of the Annual Visit will be announced later in the year. Contact the Secretary by 3rd May if you wish to attend.