Programme 2021 – 2022
Subject to Covid-19 regulations in force at the time, we intend to resume some in-person meetings during this programme. Any changes will be announced by email and updates on our website and Facebook page. In-person meetings may be streamed on Zoom if possible.
Our main venue is the Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace, EH1 2LJ. The last event in this programme will be held at the University of Edinburgh Library Centre for Research Collections and streamed on ZOOM. Visitors are welcome to attend meetings, and may also attend dinners and visits if places are available.
30 SEPTEMBER 2021. 5:45 P.M. ZOOM Meeting
Professor Patrick Scott
‘The Burns Sons, Craibe Angus, J.C. Ewing and the Library of Robert Burns: a bibliographical tangle’.
28 OCTOBER 2021. 5:45 P.M. ZOOM Meeting
Jessica Bedol
‘From a Copy Shop to the Archives: toward the provenance of a manuscript copy of Le Nozze de Figaro at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland’.
18 NOVEMBER 2021. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House (CHANGED TO ZOOM Meeting)
Katherine Holderith
‘”Burnt in their owne presence”: books of the Scottish female religious during the late Mediaeval period’.
16 DECEMBER 2021. 5:45P.M. Quaker Meeting House (CANCELLED FOR THIS YEAR)
Rosemary Temperley
‘The Twelve Days of Christmas: a moveable feast’.
20 JANUARY 2022. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House (CHANGED TO ZOOM Meeting)
Dr Tom Harrison
‘The Halliwell-Phillipps Collection: literary archaeology or Victorian vandalism?’.
24 FEBRUARY 2022. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House (CHANGED TO ZOOM Meeting)
Dr Reuben Phillips
‘Reading Musical Scores: highlights from the University of Edinburgh’s Tovey collection’.
24 MARCH 2022. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Annual Business Meeting for 2022 followed by
Sophie Schneidemann
‘”The Book Beautiful”: an introduction to the private press movement’.
Followed by the Annual Dinner, postponed from 2020, dedicated to the Private Presses of Scotland.
Contact the Secretary by 1st March 2022 if you wish to attend the dinner.
7 APRIL 2022. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Tom Hodges
‘Typewronger Books: bookselling in a time of Corona’.
19 MAY 2022. 5:45 P.M. Centre for Research Collections & ZOOM Meeting
Karissa Adams
‘”Writing and painting are alike in that both come out of the fingers and go into some receptive artifact”: collecting Leonora Carrington’
ANNUAL VISIT, 9 SEPTEMBER 2021, 6:00 P.M.: Dr Helen Williams will lead a walk around sites associated with the history of printing in Edinburgh’s Old Town. Numbers are limited. Contact the Secretary by 6th September 2021 if you wish to join the walk.