- Foreword By Joseph Marshall – p11
- In David Laing’s Shadow: The Edinburgh Collector William Finlay Watson (1810-1881) by Murray C.T. Simpson – p15
- Selling the Steam Revolution: The Scottish Agricultural Press and Steam Ploughing, 1859-1920 by Heather Holmes – p35
- The Part Issue of Hately Waddell’s Life and Works of Robert Burns by Patrick Scott and Robert L. Betteridge – p67
- IAN MACDOUGALL, Voices of Scottish Librarians (Sarah Bromage) – p85
- MICHELLE LEVY AND TOM MOLE, The Broadview Introduction to Book History (Stephen W. Brown) – p87
- ANDREW NASH, William Clark Russell and the Victorian Nautical Novel (Ian Campbell) – p89
- STEPHEN MARK HOLMES, Sacred Signs in Reformation Scotland: Interpreting Worship, 1488-1590 (Anette Hagan) – p91
- PETER V. DAVIES, ed., The University of Glasgow Library: Friendly Shelves (Brian Hillyard) – p94
- AGNES WITTS, An Edinburgh Diary 1793-1798, ed. by Alan Sutton (Joseph Marshall)
- PAUL TANKARD, ed., Facts and Inventions: Selections from the Journalism of James Boswell. (Ralph McLean) – p101
- ALASDAIR A. MACDONALD, ed., The Gude and Godlie Ballatis, Scottish Text Society (Jamie Reid Baxter) – p103
- DAVID MCOMISH AND STEVEN J. REID, ed., Neo-Latin Literature and Literary Culture in Early Modern Scotland (Jamie Reid Baxter) – p106
- JOANNA M. MARTIN, ed., The Maitland Quarto: a new edition of Magdalene College Pepys Library MS1408, Scottish Text Society (Alison Rosie) – p111
- SANDRO JUNG, James Thomson’s The Seasons: Print Culture and Visual Interpretation, 1730-1842 (Kwinten Van De Walle) – p114