- Foreword By Joseph Marshall – p9
- Dispose or Destroy: The Textual History of Woods and Pirie Against Dame Helen Cumming Gordon By Frances B. Singh – p11
- Inspecting Rebus: ‘Nonsense Methodized’ in a Hieroglyphic Letter of Richard Cooper and Allan Ramsay By Iain Gordon Brown – p23
- Two Booksellers in South-West Scotland in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Cenutries: The Records of Ebenezer Wilson and James Meuros By Vivienne S. Dunstan – p43
- EDWARD JONES, ed., A Concise Companion to the Study of Manuscripts, Printed Books, and the Production of Early Modern Texts: A Festschrift for Gordon Campell (Stephen Brown) – p65
- THOMAS AHNERT, The Moral Culture of the Scottish Enlightenment, 1690–1805 (Anette Hagan) – p67
- IAN MACDOUGALL, Voices from Lilliesleaf: Life and Work in a Scottish Borders Village during the Twentieth Century (Heather Holmes) – p71
- JEAN SMEDLEY, Inglis Memorial Hall & Library (Robert Betteridge) – p75
- TERRY I. SEYMOUR, Boswell’s Books: Four Generations of Collecting and Collectors (Graham Hogg) – p76
- DAVID A. FLINT, ‘Poem Jenny’: Janet Reid (1777–1854) of Carnock & Bridge of Allan, Scotland. On Discovering the ‘unpolished’ Poems of a Forgotten ‘poetess’ (Sandro Jung) – p79
- G. THOMAS TANSELLE, (1) Essay in Bibliographical History (2) Portraits and Reviews (William Zachs) – p80