Programme 2020 – 2021
The first two meetings this year will be held digitally, on the ZOOM platform. Instructions for joining will be sent to members in advance, and a registration form for non-members will be available closer to the time. When in-person meetings are able to resume they will be held at the Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace, EH1 2LJ. Visitors are welcome to attend meetings, and may also attend dinners and visits if places are available.
15 OCTOBER 2020. 5:45 P.M. ZOOM Meeting
James Hamilton
‘The Signet Library sales of 1959-1998: a great institutional collection and the post-war world’.
19 NOVEMBER 2020. 5:45 P.M. ZOOM Meeting
Dr. Stephen Hall
‘John Smith & Son, the Glasgow booksellers: 1751 to the present day’.
10 DECEMBER 2020. 5:45 P.M. ZOOM Meeting
Alexandra Alvis
‘Illumination of the Page and of the Spirit: manuscript books of hours as windows.’
Click to view a recording of this event on YouTube
21 JANUARY 2021. 5:45P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Professor Kirstie Blair
‘Local all over the World: Scottish writing and the popular newspaper press’.
18 FEBRUARY 2021. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Jamie Reid-Baxter
‘Esther Inglis, 1571-1624: a Franco-Scottish glory of Jacobean Scotland’.
Click to view a recording of this event on YouTube
25 MARCH 2021. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Annual Business Meeting for 2020 & 2021 followed by
Dr. Joseph Marshall
‘The Special Collections of the Future’.
Followed by the Annual Dinner, dedicated to the book collectors of Scotland.
Contact the Secretary by 1st March 2021 if you wish to attend the dinner.
29 APRIL 2021. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Louise Gardiner
‘Royal Correspondence in late 14th Century England: exploring ‘The Royal Letter Book’ (Ed. Univ. Lib. MS 183)’.
13 MAY 2021. 5:45 P.M. Quaker Meeting House
Toni Velikova
‘Radical Bookselling in Edinburgh, 1960-2018: challenges, sustainability and discursive identity’
ANNUAL VISIT, May/June (date to be advised): To view the National Library of Scotland’s copy of the Gutenberg Bible. Contact the Secretary by 1st May 2021 if you wish to attend.